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Pre-K Program

(Red Room)

A daily room schedule designed after elementary school gets 5 year old’s ready for school and the next level of education and socialization. There is a list of goals and skills based on age for the room. There is homework on a weekly basis for this room. There is a interactive television that children work on and enjoy as a chalk board and learning tool. Daily report cards reflect behavior , eating , and information needed for a parent. Art , reading , writing are just some of the skills that are being given in this room.

Pre-K Care and Learning

Daily Schedule
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10:15 A.M   Children become involved in planned activities interacting with their teachers to facilitate 

positive learning experiences.


11:00 A.M.   Children wash their hands & gather together for a nutritious meal.


12:00 P.M.   Children rest on their cots with soft music and dimmed lights.


2:00 P.M.   Children choose a quiet activity until everyone is awake. Children develop large muscle skills and become involved in planned movement activities.

6:15 A.M   Children are greeted & given

the opportunity  to join an activity of his/her choice.  Breakfast is offered at 7:30 am.


8:00 A.M.   Children develop large muscle skills and become involved in planned movement activities. 


9:00 A.M.   Children wash their hands &

gather together to enjoy a snack.


9:30 A.M.   Children participate in the activity of their choice.


10:00 A.M.   Children gather with teachers for songs, finger plays, story time, academic and concept development.

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3:00 P.M.   Children wash their hands & gather together to enjoy a snack.


4:00 P.M.   Children participate in the activity of their choice.


4:30 P.M.   Children gather with teachers & become involved in planned carpet activities developing

small motor and socialization skills.


5:00 P.M.   Children participate in the activity of their choice.


* Schedule is flexible depending on age

In the pre-k classroom there is an interactive television that children can watch lesson plans on and do practice writing on. this is the same type of television now being used in elementary schools

All rooms receive breakfast, lunch and 2 snacks daily from our kitchen. ABC ACADEMY is on the federal food program, ensuring that the highest quality of food is served daily. All rooms go outside twice a day and only with their classroom. Each room has at least one degreed teacher. Every room has a door in and a door out for safety.
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Class Pre - K Goal's

  • Can recite the Pledge of Allegiance
  • Knows the days of the week
  • Can recognize numbers 1-10
  • Can count to 20
  • Can make an AB pattern
  • Can recognize numbers
  • Can write upper case letters
  • Can recite nursery rhymes
  • Will clean up
  • Follow complex directions
  • Waits turns
  • Contribute to conversation
  • Shows respect to others
  • Obeys classrooms rules
  • Can recognized last name
  • Can put on Clothing
  • Can button, snap, and zips
  • Number Correspondence
  • Site Words
  • Can Make Phonetic Sounds
  • Can Use positional words (right, left, under, behind)


ABC Academy inc. 219-945-0767

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